A one-year anniversary is coming soon... the anniversary of when I "lost" my mom is next week. For a year, she hasn't been available by phone and she hasn't been living here on earth. There have been many losses to deal with and loss is difficult. I'm thankful that she is no longer in pain, no longer suffering here on earth and I'm thankful to know where she is now.... with Jesus.
Gentle Joy Homemaker
I am a Christian wife and homeschooling mother. I write about herbs, gardening, recipes, health and nutrition, saving money, projects, topics to inspire, encourage and make us think, and more.
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Loss and Hope
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Who Can We Trust?
The beautiful fall colors add extra drama to the natural beauty of the scene. Peace and bits of order can be found in the colorful display of a variety of trees, bushes and other parts of nature. There is a richness in the blend of beauty, color, sounds of nature and gentle breezes. It is delightful to bask in the wealth of time in God's creation and talk with Him.
Many times when alone in nature, my heart spontaneously sings, Oh Lord, my God, when I in awesome wonder. Consider all the worlds Thy hands have made........ and finish with the chorus of How great Thou Art. I ponder the words as my heart, and many times my voice, sings the words of the song in praise to the God who made such wonder.
The time in a natural setting can be restorative and healing as my focus returns to the more important while I turn my attention from the less important.
What a beautiful world. No, I do not worship nature, but I sure enjoy it. I do worship the One who created nature and people. What a wonderful God He is.
Thank you for visiting today. I'd love to hear from you in the comments. Feel free to follow my blog by email or on google.
New Book by Katherine J Master - A feel-good Christian fiction book with quirky characters, some mystery and light suspense along with the history of an old house and the family who lived there. A fun read that has wisdom from various sources, woven through the story.
Ordering information on the link below:
Finding Hope While Exploring an Old House
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Have Faith? In what?
Beautiful time of year, beautiful colors... and winter is on the way.
God made that beauty and we are to praise Him in good times and in bad.... in nice weather and not so nice... in good economic times and bad... in good leadership and bad....
Thursday, August 20, 2020
How to Encourage Elderly Parents...
Parents and grandparents are precious... even when they are elderly and unable to do as much as they have previously done. They need more encouragement, especially in these uncertain and frightening times. Sometimes, something simple can encourage ...
My parents have experienced difficulty as problems of current times cut them off from visiting friends and family, decreased their outings, made them question their purpose in life, caused them fear and led to much loneliness.
The prayers were simple and designed to help them be thankful and change from focusing on the negative. I also encouraged them to stop watching the "news".
I have a friend who detests hand-written cards and notes and she does everything on the computer and wants it to look "better". I do both and for these cards, I felt the personal connection was important and would touch them more to see that a person had written them, especially since we could not be together.
Sometimes I do beautifully hand-written cards, but I knew it would be easy to be so conscious of "perfection" that it would take longer and these were needed immediately. My life is so busy, yet this was an urgent need and I felt it was imperative to do it quickly and regularly, so these are not "pretty", but much love is sent through them and it is easier to do a few cards to add to a note I am sending to them, so I do it quite regularly.
The Scripture cards bring back to their minds familiar words from the Bible. The prayers help them direct their thoughts. The songs are simple and many are children's songs from their childhood which draws them back to happier times away from covid problems.
The Did you know... ? category came from when I taught homeschool... we wrote a family newsletter and for a while I required each child to submit a Did you know...? article each week. I told them to find a fact and put it in the form of Did you know.... ? The kids did NOT enjoy doing those articles, though they enjoyed learning new facts. They LOVED hearing and reading the facts from siblings and Mom. It was a fun part of our newsletter. I know my parents enjoy bits of trivia also and knew these would be interesting to them.
The cards are not as desperately needed now as they were at the beginning, but I get the feeling they are still very important, even though Dad has encouraged me that I do not have to take the time to do it. I am thankful to see the benefits from this simple exercise.
So far, I have sent 27 Scripture cards, 16 Prayer cards, 18 Remember when... ? cards, 8 Song cards,
2 Riddle cards, 7 Quote cards and 4 Did you know... ? A total of 82 cards, so far. Yes, it is time to send more and I will continue to send a few at a time. Maybe I will add more categories sometime.
This is my mom and dad a few years ago. I am thankful for them and they need more help, so I am helping them in the way I can. Thankfully a brother and sister-in-law are closer and can help them in other ways.
Our parents, grandparents, older neighbors and family members can benefit from our thoughtfulness. They are worth the effort and though this is a little thing, it can be used mightily by our wonderful Lord.
This is a time of great vulnerability and fear for many and our elderly suffer much. What a blessing it is to minister to them in little ways and encourage. This idea would be nice for elderly parents and relatives, but also for elderly church friends, neighbors, former co-workers and more. The ministry of encouragement is many times neglected, but is so important.
A similar idea could even work for a troubled teen, a tired mom, a grouchy neighbor... or anyone who needs encouragement... and actually, don't we ALL enjoy being encouraged?
Thank you for visiting today. I'd love to hear your thoughts of this idea and if you have encouraged in a similar way. I hope you have a great week and that you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.
~ Gentle Joy
Monday, July 27, 2020
Book Review ... Biblical Minimalism
In the book, my friend, Cheryl is very transparent about the journey God has taken her and her family on in reducing the material things they own. She is honest about the struggles of giving up things, yet also points out the great rewards of doing so. Rewards like having more time, energy and joy since her family is no longer weighed down by so many things to care for.
Cheryl writes in a conversational style, somewhat like you are sitting and chatting with her. Parts of the book may "step on toes" as we can give excuses of why we can't do this or that, but even those areas can lead us to think and evaluate. She shares related Scriptures and principles as she goes through the book. It is a book worth reading!
"To purchase the book, click HERE."
Biblical Minimalism Book Trailer
![Biblical Minimalism: Following Jesus from a Life of Abundance to a More Abundant Life by [Cheryl E. Smith]](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41HvZ9OXq5L.jpg)
"Cheryl Smith is the author of the book “Biblical Minimalism,” the story of her family’s journey from a life of abundance to a more abundant life. She is the author of the blogs Biblical Minimalism, where she writes about minimalism from a Biblical perspective, and Homespun Devotions, where she writes devotionals and conducts “Inner Views.” She loves to spend time with her husband and son in the mountains, sing and play Bluegrass music, and write."
To purchase the book, click HERE!!
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Rejoice! .... Even In Troubled Times?
I went outside this morning early, and enjoyed the sunrise and couldn't help but to praise God for His creation. I love the early morning when the animals and birds are waking up and yet there is a quiet stillness also. It is a wonderful time for reflection and prayer.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Mommy's Christmas "Store"
Mommy's Christmas "Store" was a popular thing in our home for many years. Recently my adult girls reminded me of the "store" and talked fondly of their memories of it. One of them said, "Mom, you need to write a blog post about it!"
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
18 Years After the 9-11 Attack on America
Today is the 18th anniversary of 9/11, the biggest attack on American soil
An attack that took the lives of many that day and also later days
A day of tragedy firmly entrenched in the minds of Americans
And a day that motivated a wonderful sense of patriotism in the country
I remember the day when a call from my husband interrupted our homeschooling
As he said to turn the tv on and watch ... it’s horrible... so we did
And tried to understand as we watched a plane crash into the tower
Thinking it was a video, but realizing we were watching a new attack
The tears came suddenly as the shock of the unthinkable froze us
Horror that such could happen in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave
Not sure if we should really believe it, yet we saw it ourselves in real time
Wondering what else could happen and were we safe
The horror continued as news came in and pictures were shown
As the country tried to understand this second attack wondering what was next
The newsman who said American is not under attack, this is in New York
Provoked an indignant response in me of Yes,they ARE attacking us
Because though we don’t live in New York and are farther away
New York is one of us and the attacks seemed deliberate even then
Attacking one part of the country meant that no part of the country was safe
Little was known at the time, but it was obvious Americans WERE being attacked
I had already planned to go to the store that day for needed groceries
So went earlier than planned with my children, finding the highways and roads empty
Feeling a fear of the unreal and unknown as there should have been many out
Seeing familiar scenes all coated in the dark dread of the unknown
Hurriedly buying groceries and heading quickly back to the familiar safety of home
Yearning to have my husband there also, but waiting for him to call
Holding my kids while tears streamed down my face, so thankful to have them
Praying for those in danger and asking that many would be rescued
A day of waiting, watching, praying and wondering what it all would mean
It was a day that fear crept right into our house and hearts and we cried
And still we watched desperately wanting a good outcome for more people
As the reality of the losses became more and more evident
Thankful someone finally echoed my thoughts and said America IS under attack
And feeling a oneness with other Americans who felt united in grief
So glad when my husband came home and for the crushing hug he gave me
As we clung to each other in sorrow with tears flowing down our cheeks
The next day was my oldest son’s birthday and usually a time for joy
He hated that the day after was his birthday and for years it has been a hard day
So young to be touched even in a small way by the evil that visited
His birthday ever after so close to a day tainted with harsh memories
The days after were equally sad as details came out of more tragedies and losses
As hope turned to acceptance and grief to angry outrage
Feeling a need to keep this from ever happening again, but not sure how
Seeing flags all over as patriotism united Americans and we cared about each other
God was an acceptable subject then as so many called out to Him for help
Flying flags, helping, comforting and listening to others became the new norm
Making me and so many others proud to be an American
Knowing we were united and would move forward in that unity
Many grieved and still do as the losses were deeply felt
But what has happened to our country that was attacked by religious zealots
Determined to kill any who disagree with them and furthering their agenda
That those from that same religion now hold offices in this country they attacked
So quickly we have forgotten what evil is so motivated to do
As we open borders and invite in those who come to infiltrate not find sanctuary
Many eyes are closed to the look of the future as more control taken by that religion
Of those not contented to worship in freedom, but driven to conquer and control
Why are we so foolish and caught up in entertaining ourselves that we do not see
The dangers around us and the freedoms being given away and also taken
Someday we will open our eyes in horror wondering how it could have happened
Though we willingly live anesthetized lives uncaring that history is repeating itself
Only God can fix the damage done because of hardened hearts and foolish minds
Of those content to live in the moment but oblivious to the future implications
Babies killed, tolerance for some, freedoms surrendered, addictions practiced
Claiming many freedoms, but missing the point of what freedom really means