Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Loss and Hope

     A one-year anniversary is coming soon... the anniversary of when I "lost" my mom is next week. For a year, she hasn't been available by phone and she hasn't been living here on earth. There have been many losses to deal with and loss is difficult. I'm thankful that she is no longer in pain, no longer suffering here on earth and I'm thankful to know where she is now.... with Jesus.

Clouds are pretty amazing in their formations and quick changes. I enjoy seeing them and I can't help but give God glory for the evidence of His creativity when I see clouds and sunrises or sunsets. 

There is only one God and He has created this beauty and sustains the world we live in and enjoy.

I don't know why looking at the sky draws my focus to God, but it does...  and often I find myself reflecting on His goodness and I give Him praise.

This photo is a close up of the photo above... the same time period, and yet a closer view shows depth not seen in the first photo. I think that is like our view of life of earth too. We think we see it all, yet there are depths to it that we cannot begin to understand... yet.

 I have learned to enjoy and appreciate a song called Well Done by the Afters and it reminds me of my mom. She had a hard life with health problems and more and I am thankful and comforted to imagine her hearing God say to her, "Well done, my faithful servant." You can listen to the song and see the video by clicking the name of the song below.

The clouds remind us to praise the Lord and I am thankful for the beautiful reminder. I know many of you have also suffered losses in the last year. May God meet your every need and encourage your heart... and give you peace, joy and hope as well as a close walk with Him. He is always good.

New Beginning at Rosewood: Finding Hope While Exploring an Old House is a Christian fiction book that shows a woman in pain and the path God leads her through to find hope. If you like old houses, a bit of mystery and a story that feels real and a also a bit like a modern fairy tale, you may enjoy this book by Katherine J Masters. It is sold on Amazon and you can find out more about it or order it by clicking on the name of the book below: 


  1. What a nice surprise to get a post!
    I am sorry for the loss of your mother.
    The book looks like it would be right up my alley!
    Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you for your kind comment - what a day-brightener. :) The loss of Mom has been hard and even more so for my dad... a tough year, but God has been my help. I think you would enjoy the book and I hope you have a chance to read it. I would love to hear what you think about it also. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season also!

  2. Praying for you, sister, as you approach a bittersweet anniversary. Sending you a virtual hug across the miles.

    1. Oh, how I appreciate that virtual hug! What a blessing. God is my strength and shield and I am trusting in Him as we continue to walk this path. God's comfort is precious. Thank you for visiting.

  3. It does get "easier" with the passage of time. My mother died 38 years ago. Still not a day goes by that I don't think of her. My gratitude toward her grows. I'm looking forward to seeing her again. God bless you!

    1. Thank you for your comment. I am finding it getting easier... and it also is different than it was at first. So many things I wish I could ask her about from her childhood... or mine, especially now that my dad is showing signs of dementia and is having trouble remembering. I agree that my gratitude also grows toward Mom and I sure do look forward to seeing her again. I appreciate your comment. :)

  4. I know that it's hard to loose someone so loved. The blessed hope of seeing them again one day with the Lord is a comfort. Beautiful pictures!

    1. That hope of seeing her again is truly such a comfort and knowing she is with the Lord and no longer in pain, is wonderful. Thank you for your sweet comment and encouragement.

  5. Sending you a hug and a wish for a happy new 2022!

    1. Oh, how I appreciate that "hug"! Thank you. :)

  6. Thank you for visiting and commenting.
