It is very strong and can sting when taken by mouth... and it tastes... very strong. One time when I had strep, a friend suggested that I put a couple of drops in the back of my throat, so I did. I thought I was going to die! It was horrible! I choked, my throat hurt, I coughed, tears came to my eyes and it was hard to recover. It really did help the sore throat though... although I did wonder if the cure was worse than the problem. :)
I did have to admit that it did work... and work quite quickly.... it helped me to get rid of strep which can linger quite a while, normally. I have learned to appreciate oregano oil very much... and we do use it. However, I never take it by the drops any more.
Now, instead of taking it on my tongue or in my throat, I use an empty capsule and put a few drops in the capsule, then swallow it. I have also learned that I need to take a lot of water when I swallow this and I don't take it just before going to bed as reflux can occur. When I do it correctly though, I find it very helpful and it is a blessing. :)
I do have a funny story though, about oregano oil. My family was struggling with a sore throat problem and one evening, I offered oregano oil to my husband and suggested putting it in a capsule. He motioned for my to just drop it in his mouth. Since this was his first time to take oregano oil, I said, "It will sting, do you want it in a capsule instead?" He said he would take it the "manly" way and motioned again to just put it in his mouth. I asked one more time and he still wanted me to just give it to him... so I did. He coughed and choked, and his eyes watered and he had a hard time. (I was a good wife and didn't point out that I said it would do that. :) He said that stuff was awful, but he laughed a little bit about it and he went to bed.
A while later, Son #2 came home from late work and I told him what had happened with Dad earlier. Son #2 was sure that Dad had seriously exaggerated how bad the stuff was and figured it couldn't be "that" bad. After all, my kids are used to taking herbal drops at times and some of them taste pretty awful. Since Son #2 also had a sore throat... he said he would take some oregano oil. I asked if he wanted it in a capsule, but he said he would also take it the "manly" way. I warned him 3 times, as I had his father... finally I dropped it in his mouth... and he coughed, choked and reacted strongly.... just like his dad... and said, "That stuff is AWFUL!" I did kind of laugh with him and reminded him that I had said it would do that. :)
The next morning, as Son #1 was up very early getting ready for work and I was working in the kitchen while he ate breakfast, I told him the "funny story" from the night before. Son #1 plays things pretty "cool" and he was sure his dad and brother had just exaggerated, since he was sure it couldn't be "that" bad. He was eating his cereal and wasn't very talkative... he was still tired... but he said he would take it since he also had a sore throat. I again gave 3 warnings and advised the capsule, but no, he was determined to do the "manly" thing and knew HE would have no problem with it.
I finally went ahead and gave him a couple of drops in his mouth... and there was no reaction. Wow, I was shocked. He just took another bite of his cereal. I did notice his eyes seemed to water a bit, but I didn't want to embarrass him, so said nothing. I have to admit I was pretty impressed that the reaction was so small... like I said, he plays things "cool". I turned my back and went to the other side of the kitchen and heard a loud sharp burp that he couldn't stop and I turned to look at him. He looked embarrassed and I realized he WAS having a bit of trouble with the oregano oil, but I didn't point it out. He finished breakfast very calmly and went to work, leaving me still impressed that he really didn't have much trouble with it. Wow, I was shocked at his pretty much "non-reaction"... I was sure it would bother him, but guessed I had been wrong.
A couple of hours later, Son #2 had to go to the same job site as Son #1 and it is nice when the guys can work together. Son #2 called me after a bit and said that the first thing Son #1 said to him when he got there was, "I think Mom is trying to kill us!" Apparently, it bothered him a lot more than he let on. We laughed over it... and we continue to laugh over this. Son #1 hadn't said ANYTHING to me about it... he acted like it was no big deal at all! :) Sons #3 and 4 also had sore throats and were offered oregano oil. I asked if they wanted it the "manly" way. They both had watched or heard about their dad and brothers' reactions and they both agreed that they wanted it the "SMART" way, which is in the capsule! Now, we all take it in a capsule.
One thing that was so funny about all of this story is that all 3 of the guys had 3 warnings and all of them had to prove they were tough enough to do this. I love it that they are all so similar and that they have all been able to laugh at themselves over this and that we all agreed that pride is not a good thing. :)
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I've never heard of oregano oil before now. I think I'd take it in the capsule form. LOL Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving the nice comment. ~ Nancy
ReplyDeleteIt is worth checking into... so many great uses. Thank you for visiting. :)
DeleteGreat story! I have heard of oregano oil and have some that i bought in capsules--haven't seen it sold as just the oil. I am gradually learning to use more essential oils.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you are learning to use essential oils - they are extremely beneficial. Thank you for visiting. :)
DeleteMy husband asked me yesterday, "what do they use oil of oregano for?" I think I'll share your story with him!
ReplyDeleteIt really is a great product... and so useful... but my advice is... Use the capsules!!! :) Thank you for visiting.
DeleteI used oregano oil to remove a skin tag. It HURT, but I'm glad to be rid of the thing.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't heard of using it that way, that is good to know, but I would imagine that it would sting... glad it is gone for you.. we just removed one for my husband using apple cider vinegar... took it off in only 2 days. I have also heard that iodine works well and fast. Thank you for visiting.
Deleteyes, that is funny about your 3 men, and oregano oil is powerful stuff, I have 3 bottles and it takes care of pretty much any ailment, only this last time i forgot about and I thank you for the reminder. blessings, lady
ReplyDeleteIt is also funny to have and remember those funny family stories... they tend to unify us. :) I had forgotten about oregano oil for a while too, until some sickness came again, so I know what you mean by being reminded of it. So glad you visited. :)
DeleteWe use Oregeno oil whenever we're feeling sick. I agree that it's very strong.
ReplyDeleteThat is good to know... it is strong and not fun to take, but works well. Thank you for visiting. :)
DeleteThat's a funny story, but it is super strong! We use it, and my kids hate it as much as being sick, but they know that it works. We call it pizza treatment, because it smells kind of like pizza! :)
ReplyDeleteIt is funny, but you are right... it is also very strong and we don't like to take it either. :) It does have a "pizza" odor, sort of. :) Thank you for visiting.
DeleteI love that story! It is about "real men"!!! :) Something my husband would say too :) I had a similar problem. I told my father-in-law to take a few drops with water for his problem. He started wheezing and said his mouth was on fire and that his daughter-in-law was trying to kill him. I had told him NOT to take it straight but they aren't aware of how powerful an essential oil drop can be!! Thanks for sharing at the Art of Home-Making Mondays this week!
ReplyDeleteFunny! No, they aren't aware of that.... and they also figure we aren't aware of how strong and capable they are... that we underestimate them.... I tried to warn them, like you. Oh well, we love them... and the oil is good stuff. :) Thank you for stopping by and for sharing your funny story too. :)