These are Drumstick treats.... with instructions on how to make them.
We like to take a fun food for the church dinner at least one time a year and we try to do something different each year. We have done some cute ones, like olive penguins, cauliflower sheep, melted snowman cookies, ladybugs on crackers.. and more.
You can check those other fun foods out here....
Fun Foods We Have Made
After I saw these on Pinterest(at least they were similar to these! :), I knew these were the treats for this year's Thanksgiving Feast dinner. They were a huge hit with the kids and adults alike.
We didn't have any directions on this, just a picture... so this is what we figured out to do:
Have long pretzel rods and mini marshmallows ready. Also have melted white chocolate ready, as well as a sheet of waxed paper on a cookie sheet.
Directions: See picture above for illustration of each step
1. Break each pretzel rod in half ( or as many as you need. That big container of pretzel rods will be a lot more than needed!)
2. Dip one end of the pretzel rod (one-half of one) into the melted white chocolate.
3. Immediately attach 2 mini marshmallows to the melted chocolate and lay it on the waxed paper to set. When the cookie sheet is full, set it in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes.
4. Remove the cookie sheet from fridge. Dip each pretzel rod half with the marshmallows on it, into the melted white chocolate to cover about half or a little more of the rod. Return the cookie sheet to the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes.
Rice Krispy Treats
1/4 c. butter
1 package regular marshmallows Melt on low heat, stirring until melted.
6 cups crispy rice Stir in until well coated.
5. After making a batch of Rice Krispy Treats, pull the cookie sheet out of the refrigerator and using a spoon, scoop some of the warm Rice Krispy treat from the pan onto your buttered hand and form it around the pretzel stick and put it back on the waxed paper. You need to work quickly to do this and you can go back to do a bit more shaping of each drumstick, as needed.
These can look like fried chicken and they are so fun. We served some on a gingham covered tray, as shown. We also wrapped some individually with plastic wrap and put them in a bowl with the "bone" side up and that was really cute also, but no picture of that, sorry.
We did better as we went along on these and you will too. You can make them bigger than we did or smaller. The amount shown here on the gingham, took about a whole batch of the Rice Krispy Treats.
These were fun and enjoyed. One lady did say that they almost looked too real! :) My daughter and I made these and it was fun to work together with her... some special time together for just the two of us.
These were great for our church fellowship dinner. They would also be fun for a picnic, Super Bowl party, tailgate party, school treats, or other places.
If you have made these, or intend to, I would love to hear about it in the comments. I would also love to hear any of your comments about these. Thank you for visiting my blog today. I hope you are having a wonderful week.
#RiceKrispyTreats #Drumsticks #Funfoods #partyfood
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