It is nice to increase the curb appeal of your home..... especially if you want to sell. Our mailbox post was a metal one and rusted at ground level and needed to be replaced. One of our sons used some wood and made a post. Another son had a mailbox leftover from a job and gave it to us. What a blessing!
I hadn't planned on a red mailbox and wasn't sure about it at first, but didn't want to take time to paint it, so we just used it.... and I liked it after all.
The red mailbox was good, but I felt it needed... something. After hunting out by the shed, I found an old trellis that wasn't being used.
I asked the guys what they thought about using it. I found NO encouragement from the guys..... NONE. The girls and I liked it, but the guys did not. I liked how it would add just a bit of interest out by the road and in the flower bed, but wasn't "too much".
After standing it there and taking pictures that day then putting the trellis away, I kept thinking about it, but the guys just didn't like it. When I showed the pictures to my husband, he wasn't enthusiastic but he was willing for us to add it, so......... we did.
Our son had added a top to the mailbox post and the black on it worked well with the black trellis.
Another plus is that we usually have autumn clematis and passion flowers growing by the mailbox, so this gives them a trellis to hold them up.... and add some contrast.
I really liked the diamond design in the middle of this trellis... and the delicate trim on the sides, so it adds interest whether covered with flowers or empty. The wrought iron looks nice all by itself there also.
It did add something to the front of our house... and the post was painted the same color as our front deck, so those blend well.
By the way, we stood the trellis where it looked the best and attached it with a couple of zip ties. The zip ties are covered by the flowers much of the year, but they aren't a problem the rest of the year either.
I really liked the improvement and so did my husband and daughters. The guys were a bit slower to approve, but even they agreed it was "all right". :)
The island garden bed in the background here has one of my semi-permanent trellises in it and it is amazingly beautiful in late summer as it is covered with the small clematis flowers. Very showy.
That bed needs work in other ways, though... weeding and sprucing up... but that is a project for another day!
Many people no longer have mail boxes, but some focal point can still be helpful... a trellis, flower bed, etc. Curb appeal is important. The first thing someone sees of your house is the outside front of it.
By the way, I like to use trellises for many purposes.... not a large amount of them, but a few here and there are so helpful as long as it doesn't look too busy.
Some of my trellises are placed semi permanently- they could be moved, but they just stay in one place all year round. Others are stored and used when needed... for the peas, cucumbers, morning glories, squash, etc.
By the way, I was really pleased with the mailbox post that our son made... he worked hard on it and did a great job.
Thank you for visiting my blog today.... Are you doing some project to increase the curb appeal of your house and yard? I'd love to read about it in the comments. Have a great week!
#mailbox #CurbAppeal #trellis
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